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Picking Your Perfect Sofa: Choosing a Comfortable Sofa

London Furniture Company

Updated: Sep 27, 2019

Always consider the level of comfort you want and how much maintenance you are prepared to undertake to keep your sofa looking pristine. A firm sofa will maintain its shape with minimal maintenance. Or you could go for a softer sofa with a sink-in feathery feel, though you’ll need to regularly fluff up the cushions with this option. We offer both options. The most popular style today is a firm, thick leather sofa. Why? The material can resist stains, and spill, as well as some of the typical wear and tear when you have small children or pets. Simply wipe up spills with a cloth and no fuss need be made. To prolong the life of your sofa, the London Furniture Company also offer a sofa protection kit.

Picking a sofa fabric
Comfort is partly a function of upholstery type, but needs to be balanced with the practical considerations of your space.

Next Steps

Explore the next piece in the Picking Your Perfect Sofa series, Sofa Style. Our team would be delighted to help with your needs. We will answer any questions or queries you may have. In order to find the best sofa for your room. You can contact us via phone or email and we will be happy to point you in the right direction.

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